Monday, March 30, 2009

sry swadaya..

again n again..
i let u down again..
sry swadaya..
i don deserve to be the asst band leader..
i don even deserve to be a swadayian..
for 5 years i done nothing..
at last i got use d..
but no wad gd use..
i'm bull shit!!
being selfish i make trouble..
being unselfish i lead myself into trouble..
wad should i do..
being unselfish n selfish at the same time??

think of the bright side..
maybe this is a test for me
to let me more mature..
thx god for test me at this stage..
the more late U test me the worst would happen..
at this stage..
i still could change..

i won let u down again..
this is my promise^^
human done wrong n human change..
i'm 1 of the human n trying to change..
thx for giving me a chance..^^
the past make me more knowledge..
teach me how to think..

yesterday is a history..
tomorrow is a mystery..
today is a gift..
so it is called present..
i might don noe wad would happen tomorrow..
but i'l learned from yesterday..
n appreciate the gift..present!!


韦蒽 said...

hey kawan ! past dy let it past , dun just put in heart ok ? learn from mistake lah ya , i noe you feel sorry , just tell u , we are ok dy , just let ppl scold we not happy nia , but who wan find tai chi , sure is help our member 1st .. u dun think so much k ? change to be better and u sure can wan ! dun down dy lah ya !! together bring up the band !